Pierre had leant forward on seeing Laveuve's eyes open, and he spoke tohim tenderly, telling him that he had come from a friend with a littlemoney to enable him to buy what he might most pressingly require. Atfirst, on seeing Pierre's cassock, the old man had growled some coarsewords; but, despite his extreme feebleness, he still retained the pertchaffing spirit of the Parisian artisan: "Well, then, I'll willinglydrink a drop," he said distinctly, "and have a bit of bread with it, ifthere's the needful; for I've lost taste of both for a couple of dayspast."
Celine offered her services, and Madame Theodore sent her to fetch a loafand a quart of wine with Abbe Rose's money. And in the interval she toldPierre how Laveuve was at one moment to have entered the Asylum of theInvalids of Labour, a charitable enterprise whose lady patronesses werepresided over by Baroness Duvillard. However, the usual regulationinquiries had doubtless led to such an unfavourable report that mattershad gone no further.
"Baroness Duvillard! but I know her, and will go to see her to-day!"exclaimed Pierre, whose heart was bleeding. "It is impossible for a manto be left in such circumstances any longer."Then, as Celine came back with the loaf and the wine, the three of themtried to make Laveuve more comfortable, raised him on his heap of rags,gave him to eat and to drink, and then left the remainder of the wine andthe loaf--a large four-pound loaf--near him, recommending him to waitawhile before he finished the bread, as otherwise he might stifle."Monsieur l'Abbe ought to give me his address in case I should have anynews to send him," said Madame Theodore when she again found herself ather door.
Pierre had no card with him, and so all three went into the room. ButSalvat was no longer alone there. He stood talking in a low voice veryquickly, and almost mouth to mouth, with a young fellow of twenty. Thelatter, who was slim and dark, with a sprouting beard and hair cut inbrush fashion, had bright eyes, a straight nose and thin lips set in apale and slightly freckled face, betokening great intelligence. Withstern and stubborn brow, he stood shivering in his well-worn jacket."Monsieur l'Abbe wants to leave me his address for the Philosopher'saffair," gently explained Madame Theodore, annoyed to find another therewith Salvat.
The two men had glanced at the priest and then looked at one another,each with terrible mien. And they suddenly ceased speaking in the bittercold which fell from the ceiling. Then, again with infinite precaution,Salvat went to take his tool-bag from alongside the wall."So you are going down, you are again going to look for work?" askedMadame Theodore.
He did not answer, but merely made an angry gesture, as if to say that hewould no longer have anything to do with work since work for so long atime had not cared to have anything to do with him."All the same," resumed the woman, "try to bring something back with you,for you know there's nothing. At what time will you be back?"With another gesture he seemed to answer that he would come back when hecould, perhaps never. And tears rising, despite all his efforts, to his
1.The Three Cities Trilogy:Paris(英文版) (耽美小說現代)
[Emile Zola]2.我家太子妃超兇的喬木墨蓮 (炮灰逆襲古代)
[梓云溪]3.周徐紡江織 (總裁小說現代)
[久石]5.穿書欢成了偏執校草的沙月光 (隱婚小說現代)
[沽飛雙]6.江湖孽緣(修訂版) (穿越小說古代)
[紅繩紫帶]7.康熙與太子妃[清穿] (青梅竹馬古代)
[半緣君]8.當玄震成為陵越 (腹黑小說古代)
[裝果汁的杯子]9.重生之鈴蘭花開 (現代耽美現代)
[胡捷婕]10.同學錄() (都市言情現代)
[書海滄生]11.艦坯世界奉外均生記事 (異獸流現代)
[純潔如我]12.重生東京泡沫巔峰時代 (豪門總裁現代)
[花皮的皮]13.不小心嫁給了世界首富 (隱婚小說現代)
[蓮霧小七]14.(BG/綜名著同人)[綜名著]班納特家的小瘋子 (同人美文現代)
[什嫁]15.(BOYFRIEND同人)魚人 (歷史小說現代)
[金裡兜是諧星]16.牵世今生 (同人美文現代)
[蟹玖釀兒]17.這該弓的穿越:坯子,別逃 (鬥智鬥勇現代)
[回眸似殤]18.安全範圍 (耽美小說)
[不要理這隻咕咕精]19.戀唉中毒 (原創小說現代)
[惟我]20.廠雕很瘋狂 (現言小說現代)
[念念不忘]第 1 篇
第 6 篇
第 11 篇
第 16 篇
第 21 篇
第 26 篇
第 31 篇
第 36 篇
第 41 篇
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